Clear Treatment,
Straighter Smiles

It doesn't always take heavy hardware to straighten a smile, and clear aligners from Invisalign and Spark aligners can give you stunning results without disrupting your life.

Las Vegas Clear Aligners by Orthobar

Invisalign and Spark use a series of clear, removable, comfortable aligners that straighten teeth in less time than traditional braces.

There are no wires or brackets—just clear, convenient comfort that gives you a reason to smile.

These invisible trays are a simple way to straighten your teeth so you can confidently show off your smile!

Invisalign and Spark are great for patients of all ages since there are no metal brackets to attach and no wires to tighten.

Just pop in a new set of aligners every two weeks until your treatment is complete.

The best part about the process is that most people won't even know that you're straightening your teeth.

Clear aligners have vastly improved over the years and can be used to handle simple and complex cases.

From crowding to spacing, underbite to overbite, Dr. Petersen uses clear aligners to correct oral issues and help you reach your ideal smile.

Las Vegas Invisalign

The Clear Aligner Process at Orthobar

Dr. Petersen and the Orthobar team can use Invisalign and Spark aligners to give you a beautiful smile using a series of clear, custom-fit aligners. Here's how it works:

1. Come in for Your Smile Consultation

At your first visit, Dr. Petersen will assess your smile, discuss your goals, and create a plan that meets your oral health needs.

2. Make a Plan

We'll take digital images and X-rays of your teeth and use these to create your personalized treatment plan.

3. Wear Your Almost-Invisible Braces

You'll get your custom aligners and wear them as much as possible, except to eat, drink, brush, and floss. You'll visit our Las Vegas office every six to eight weeks to check your progress and keep things on track.

Great for Teen Orthodontic Treatment

Dr. Petersen wants Las Vegas teens to feel confident about participating in their favorite activities, even during orthodontic treatment.

Clear aligners with Orthobar don't present the same barriers as traditional braces, so teens can play sports and instruments without worry.

And, since Invisalign and Spark aligners are made of clear plastic and almost invisible, no one even has to know your teen is in treatment!

Invisalign and Spark aligners help your teen focus on being themselves without self-consciousness getting in the way. At your first free consultation with Dr. Petersen, you'll discover how clear aligners can benefit your teen's smile and lifestyle!

The Benefits of Clear Aligners

  • Invisible trays mean you can smile confidently during your treatment.
  • You can enjoy the foods and drinks you love without food restrictions.
  • Brushing and flossing your teeth is easier since there are no brackets, wires, or bands to maneuver around.
  • Treatment is shorter than with traditional braces.

We understand that you have a busy schedule, so clear aligner treatment is even more convenient.

You'll only need to visit our Las Vegas office once every six to eight weeks during treatment so Dr. Petersen can monitor your progress and give you new aligner trays.

After that, you can go even longer between appointments!

Learn More About Clear Aligners

Invisalign and Spark aligners are excellent options for subtle, effective treatment. Dr. Petersen can advise you about the treatment options that fit best with your teeth, bite, and lifestyle at your first visit.

Schedule your free consultation at our Las Vegas office to learn if clear aligner orthodontic treatment is right for you.