Better Smile With
Clear Braces

Damon clear braces are an aesthetic treatment option to straighten your smile in Las Vegas. With clear, self-ligating brackets, you can get a straighter smile with treatment that blends in.

Your Clear Path to a Straighter Smile

Damon clear braces from Orthobar are less noticeable than traditional metal braces and are more effective at straightening teeth. This option is incredibly popular with older teen and adult patients in our Las Vegas office since they give you great results without visibility.

Also known as aesthetic braces, Damon clear braces generally work the same way as metal braces but use tooth-colored brackets to blend in with your smile. The Damon clear braces system is self-ligating, so there are no wires to tighten, making your experience more comfortable.

Though they're not entirely invisible, and the brackets are about the same size and shape as metal braces, Damon clear braces are much less noticeable for our Las Vegas patients.

Maintaining Clear Braces

One common concern from Las Vegas patients is that these types of braces will stain. The good news is that staining won’t be a problem if you keep up a consistent oral hygiene routine!

You can avoid foods likely to stain, like coffee, tea, tomatoes, and mustard, but it isn’t necessary since you won’t have any elastics to worry about.

If you maintain a good oral hygiene routine and follow the treatment plan designed by Dr. Petersen, you won’t have to worry about giving up your morning cup of coffee or evening glass of wine.

damon clear braces

Differences Between Ceramic & Metal Braces

Metal braces are easily recognizable and known for their strength and durability. Clear braces are tough, too, but they're made from a slightly more fragile material that's more likely to chip or crack.

Dr. Petersen may not recommend clear braces if you need more drastic corrections for severe orthodontic issues.

Cost of Ceramic Braces

The cost of your treatment at Orthobar will vary depending on the complexity of your unique case. Dr. Petersen will determine a fee specific to your needs, and we'll work with you to accommodate your budget.

Here at Orthobar, you'll benefit from flexible payment plans and affordable financing options.

Our team will also check with your Las Vegas dental insurance company for orthodontic benefits and file any claims on your behalf. We want to make your experience as convenient as possible at every step!

One of the most significant factors affecting the cost of your treatment is the materials we use. Because of that, Damon clear braces in our Las Vegas office cost a little more than metal brackets.

We'll also consider the work it takes to apply and remove your braces and the check-up appointments during treatment to keep things on track.

Our team will go over the complete costs of your treatment at your free consultation with Dr. Petersen in our Las Vegas office.

adult clear braces

Best Braces for Adults

At Orthobar, we typically recommend Damon clear braces for adults and older teens since they can be more fragile. We can determine the best treatment for your smile during your first visit to our Las Vegas office!

Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Petersen to learn if they may be right for you.