7 Features of an Orthobar Smile: Achieving Broad Smiles with Damon Braces and Invisalign

A radiant smile does more than light up a room; it reflects balance, harmony, and optimal health. At Orthobar, we focus on creating broad, confident smiles using Damon braces and Invisalign, incorporating advanced techniques to ensure every smile we craft exudes beauty and Functionality. In this blog, we’ll dive into the 7 Key Features of […]
Why choose a Private Orthodontic Office over a Corporate Practice?

No one wants to feel like a number – especially when it comes to their healthcare. This same sentiment applies to orthodontic care; deciding where to seek treatment is just as important as the treatment itself. While both a private orthodontic office and a corporate practice can deliver results, the experience you’ll receive at each […]
Parents Guide to Braces for Kids

For most kids, braces are a rite of passage – an exciting one. But what does the braces process mean from a parent’s point of view? If you’re a parent, this post is for you. Here’s everything you need to know about braces for kids! The Ideal Age for Kids To Get Braces Orthodontic treatment […]
Do Orthodontists Prefer Braces or Invisalign?

Here’s the situation: You want to straighten your teeth but need to decide if you should stick to the typical route and go with braces or opt for nearly invisible straightening with Invisalign. At Orthobar, the options we offer are simply tools to achieve that Orthobar Smile! A broad, beautiful, harmonious smile that you are […]
What Is the Difference Between an Orthodontist and a Dentist?

Dentists and orthodontists are doctors who care for your oral health, but what makes them different? That’s a great question. While both doctors care for your teeth, their specialty and treatment philosophy differ. One focuses on general dental health, while the other deals with tooth and bite alignment. If you’re curious about the difference between […]
How Does Orthodontic Treatment Impact Oral Health?

It goes without saying that orthodontic treatment makes your teeth straighter. After all, that’s one of the primary reasons you visit the orthodontist. However, what does it do for your oral health — does it significantly impact other oral issues besides a straighter smile? The short answer is a resounding yes! Visiting your orthodontist, receiving […]
Why Are Orthodontics Beneficial?

We can all agree that prioritizing your well-being is the key to leading a long, happy life. Orthodontics plays an essential role in your overall health. That’s because straighter teeth and proper dental hygiene do more than showcase your smile — they also prevent potential severe medical issues. If you’re curious about the benefits of […]
How Do You Tell if You Need Orthodontic Treatment?

Maintaining proper orthodontic health is an essential piece of the dental care puzzle. Correct spacing between teeth and an aligned bite promotes easier cleaning and lowers the risk of long-term health problems caused by orthodontic issues. However, some indicators of orthodontic care are hard to spot. Issues like crooked or misaligned teeth may stand out […]
How to Choose an Orthodontist

The right doctor can build you up with encouragement, support, and understanding, while the wrong one can leave you in the dark regarding outstanding care.
How Do People With Braces Brush and Floss Their Teeth?

We know flossing and brushing teeth with braces is no child’s play, especially if you’re still getting accustomed to them.